
Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Most Amazing Day!!

When I was younger, I thought my high school graduation was a big accomplishment. And it was. Then I graduated from college and really thought I was something. Then I entered and completed a triathlon. Not bad. I then met a wonderful man that is now my husband and again patted myself on the back for snagging such a good man. The next major thing was my graduation from Graduate School. This was last December. I guess I was pretty proud of myself for all I had accomplished in my 31 years. Still I felt like  there was more. AND THERE  WAS. 3 days ago on December 1st, 2010,  I did the one thing I am the proudest of and can't imagine anything better than the birth of my daughter, Julianna. No, I did not do this on my own, but I feel I can safely say that George and I can brag about the greatest gift we've been given and how with God's blessing we created such a miracle.

I know many of you want to hear about her entrance into this world. George and I had planned a completely natural childbirth at Nativiti Birth Center in the Woodlands. My due date was December 7th. Everything looked good, and I had no complications with the pregnancy other than swelling of my feet and hands. I walked around my neighborhood on Monday, November 29th to see if that would help start labor. I was READY!! Then George and I went looking for a Christmas tree that night and I walked around several stores before we found the one we wanted.  I guess it worked because I woke up at 11:30 that night in pain. First I thought I just had to use the bathroom, but after this same pain continuing for the next two hours, I thought it might be the beginning of labor. I ran a warm bath and that helped, but the contractions started getting more intense and closer together. I finally woke George up at about 2:30. I got back in the bath and started timing the contractions. It was pretty painful, but I knew it was just the beginning. At 4:30 we called my midwife, Katherine, and she instructed us to wait until my contractions were under 5 mins apart for 2 hours. At this point I was begging George to take me because I knew the car ride would be painful. He knew we couldn't go yet, so he cleaned up the house and finished packing the things we would need at the birth center. We finally left home around 6:00 and met Katherine at Nativiti. I was dilated to a 5 and definitely in labor. They gave me a shot of Nubain to help with the pain. It didn't eliminate the pain, it just made me not care as much and so I was kind of in a daze. George called family and they were beginning to make their way to the birth center. We thought Julianna would be a November baby and arrive anytime. I must be honest and say that this was the most difficult and painful thing I have ever physically done, and I complained quite a bit. I knew it was worth it though and so I continued (as if I had a choice) on what would be a total of 27 hours in labor. I was exhausted, George was exhausted, my midwife was exhausted. I was completely dilated around 9:00 and began pushing. Julianna was low, but her head was slightly turned to the side, and it made it difficult to get her out. I kept pushing, and the midwife tried many techniques to get her to turn. After midnight we realized that she wanted to be a December baby, and that I was not going to be able to push her out naturally. I had tried with everything I had, but it was time to be transferred to the hospital. Katherine arranged for me to go to Conroe Regional, and away we went. I think George drove 100 mph to get there! We arrived at 1:45, and yes to all who are wondering I received pain meds. Not an epidural but I was given a spinal in case a C-section was needed. Luckily it was not. At 3:07 a.m., the doctor  helped me deliver Julianna with the use of forceps. Not my first choice, but she was here, safe, and healthy and so was I. It was amazing and surreal when they placed my daughter on my (numb) tummy and let me see her. She was perfect!!! They had to take her to the nursery, and I had to recover from the trauma of that delivery. She came back soon and I cried when I saw her. 7lbs (6lbs 15.5 oz) and healthy as a horse. She even passed her hearing screen that they do! Praise God!

George has been an angel through all of this, and having Dad and Kelly and Kathy here has been wonderful. We are adjusting to our new (exhausting) life, and just loving Julianna to pieces. Thanks to all of you who have been praying and loving us through this experience. I can't wait for you all to meet her!

Be sure and look at all the pictures on facebook. She is the most precious thing you have ever seen!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

36 weeks and counting!!

Thinking back to nine months ago, it is amazing how my view of my pregnancy has changed. It all started on Friday morning, March 26th.  At first, there are 3 emotions that come to mind upon realizing that there is a tiny little life forming inside me. First, there is shock (ARE THERE REALY TWO PINK LINES???) The shock was enough that I made my husband stop his run on the treadmill and run to CVS to get me a digital test that would clearly state PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT. This was not a time for uncertainty. While he was gone I experienced emotion number two, fear. Oh my gosh, if I am pregnant there is something GROWING inside me, and then if I am not pregnant, I am going to be heartbroken, and will feel empty. Upon George's return with the highly advanced (read: expensive) digital test, I began to feel the third emotion, excitement. I knew what the test would read. I just KNEW. Yet, I made George look at the results and tell me. When he said "We're pregnant", I had to look at the test to make sure. Sorry honey....just had to see it!! We hugged and I cried, and then got ready for work. Man, was I a bundle of nerves! Intelligence told me to keep this a secret, after our miscarriage a few months before, but if you know me you know that is impossible. I am an open book, or as George says, I am an audio book with no stop or pause button! People at work seemed to know instantly so of course we had to share with family as soon as possible.

Fast forward 9 months to today. I am 36 weeks and 1 day pregnant, and although I have a huge range of emotions, I can narrow down to the top three weighing on my mind. First, there is no more shock. I mean really, I can FEEL Julianna everyday and the world can see that I am preggers. Although some still brazenly ask, "Are you pregnant?" Often I want to say, " No, why, does this outfit make me look fat?" But apparently I am too nice for all that. So the emotion I feel now is anticipation. On one hand, I can't wait for her to be here. I want to meet her, see her, hold her. On the other hand, life is about to change in a big way, and until she is here I won't be able to fully know how big those changes are going to be. Secondly, I still share the fear that I had that first day, but in a different way. Hmmm.....the baby is coming out of where???? Scary to think about, although millions of women have done it. Fear also rears it's ugly head with thoughts like "Will I be a good mom? Can I do this?" And oh yeah, I am doing this all natural without drugs. I need one of those shirts that says "No Fear" or "Fear Not". Do you think that would help? I think not....  And the third emotion is simply: JOY. Joy that God brought George and I together, allowed us to spend our lives together, and that we have been blessed with a new life that is equal parts he and I. I can't wait to be a mommy!

Mix in the feeling of looking like a whale, the waddle when I walk, being uncomfortable in any position be it sitting, standing, or lying down, the fatigue, the swollen ankles, the mood swings, and of course the cravings for various foods, and guess what? I wouldn't trade it for anything (except maybe an early delivery, but I don't get to make that choice!!).

So the countdown is now:

27 days!!! Please pray for Julianna's safe arrival, mommy's easy and safe labor and delivery, and daddy's patience with mommy!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Getting started with our family blog

Our first blog entry!! Aren't we getting tech savvy? I decided to start this blog mainly so that our friends and family in Ft. Worth,  Alabama, and Oklahoma could keep up with our family and all the fun stuff that accompanies pregnancy and our journey into parenthood. Then I realized that it may benefit our local friends and family as well, since I seem to be very bad at keeping up with phone calls these days! It seems being a newlywed and first time mommy to be keeps me pretty busy!

As of today, October 30, 2010 (Happy 1st birthday Lexi!), we have been married for 1 year and 4 months and I am currently 34 weeks and 4 days pregnant with our first child, Julianna Katherine. This weekend I am on bed rest due to fluid retention and swelling. What better way to spend the day than writing this blog? Well, I have also been reading up on baby books and bonding with our puppies, Cocoa and Charlie. Cocoa at least seems to enjoy lying in bed with me to keep me company. The worst part of this bed rest thing is that today we had to miss our niece Lexi's 1st birthday party in Ft. Worth. Lynda better send us pics soon, or at least post on Facebook!

So this is just a first blog to get us started. Please keep reading as my plan for future blogs is to make them not only informative, but funny, and maybe sometimes a little sentimental too. I used to have a knack for writing, so I hope i can find that talent again and entertain you enough so that you will visit  this blog on occasion and check in on the Gallamore's. Be sure to leave a comment and vote on the polls we create in this blog.

We love you all, pray daily for you, and give thanks to God for putting each of you in our lives. God Bless!

Tressie and George